v4.5.0 Release Notes

v4.5.0 Release Notes

Feature Enhancements





You will find side dialogs are no longer fixed width, but will respond as you change your window size.

Design: Business Requirements

If you navigate to the View Details modal from a Business Requirement dropdown and find that you would like more information on any of the associated events or attributes, you may click a chip with a magnifying glass icon to open another modal containing additional details about your selection.

Design: Data Sources

The Data Sources view is a new feature that has been added to the Design tools in Apollo. On the Data Sources tab, you will find the breakdown of all of your implementation attributes and their associated data sources.

Design: Event Attributes

When you navigate to the Event Attributes tab, you will find the Enabled/Disabled filter now defaults to ‘All’ instead of ‘Enabled’.

Design: Event Attributes

Under the Site Features column in the Events table, you will see each site feature on a new line.




Design: Business Requirements

Design: Event Attributes

New variable subtypes have been added to Apollo to provide another level of categorization to your implementation. These subtypes include Product Syntax eVar, Conversion Syntax eVar, Product Syntax Event, Predefined Variable, and Predefined Product Variable. You will see these subtypes indicated in ‘[ ]’ per variable chip in the Business Requirements dropdown. You will also see these subtypes represented for each appropriate attribute in the Configure Attributes panel.

Bug Fixes




Design: Business Requirements

Under the Business Requirement dropdown, a visual bug causing variables to appear on the same row has been resolved. You will find each variable displayed on its own row.




Deploy: Builds [Data Layer Docs]

A bug that caused ‘Product ID’ to be missing from your Data Layer Docs deployments has been resolved.

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