v5.5.0 Release Notes

v5.5.0 Release Notes

Feature Enhancements




Design : Business Requirement Details

You may now perform replacements on pre-existing Business Requirements. This is helpful when you want to leverage an existing Business Requirement, but wish to make adjustments to it that will apply only to your Agency, Organization, or Property (e.g., updating the Business Requirement wording, Description, Site Vertical, Report Type, and Site Feature.)




Design : Event Attributes

You may now enable the Link Clicked Apollo Event, which is a non-data layer event. This event leverages the built in GTM methods for retrieving link tracking data which involves using an anchor tag. For example, if an `<a>` tag is used to represent a link, you would add these attributes to trigger the event to be collected when the anchor is clicked.

Design : Event Attributes

You may now enable the Element Clicked Apollo Event, which is a non-data layer event. This event is used for cases in which a non-anchor tag is used as a link. For example, if a `<button>` tag is used in combination with Javascript to represent a download link, you would add these attributes to trigger the event to be collected when the element is clicked.

Bug Fixes




Deploy : Builds [Tag Manager]

Resolved an issue where 'Exclude from Tag Manager' Tracking Item setting wasn't effectively preventing the tag manager configurations.

Design : Business Requirement Details

Resolved an issue where the Edit and Delete options were not appearing for User Admins or Architects on Property-scoped Business Requirements.




Deploy : Builds [Tag Manager]

Resolved an issue where deployments to Tag Manager were failing when the Build contained replaced Tracking Items.




Design Business Requirements

Resolved an issue where performing a replacement on a variable cause the variable assignment to be removed.

Deploy : Builds [Tag Manager]

Resolved an issue causing not all listVar configurations to be deployed to a Launch Property.

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