v6.2.0 Release Notes

v6.2.0 Release Notes





Property Settings

Names and the ordering of several drawers within Property Settings have been updated for greater clarity.




Properties : Migrations

There is a new Property type available when you are in the Google Tag Manager/Google Analytics Platform: Migrations! This property type is perfect if you need to migrate your complex UA implementations to GA4 without updating your data layer or data collection methods. Additionally, all the Apollo features that help you with ongoing management of your implementation are disabled in this property type.

Property Setup

You can now deploy any Free Property Type directly after finishing property Setup.

Property Settings

All Google Property types now leverage Google OAuth for API calls to Google Platforms. This means Google Service Accounts are no longer leveraged in Apollo.

Property Settings : Map Existing Implementation

Helpful detail has been linked to from this screen to show you the mappings from UA recommended events to GA4 recommended events.

Property Settings : Map Existing Implementation

You can now add an applicable Google Ouath connection directly from the Map Existing Implementation screen, as opposed to needing to leave this screen, add the connection within Property Settings, and then navigate back to the mapping screen.

Property Settings : Map Existing Implementation

The Google event Parameter associated with each Apollo event has been added to the Apollo event dropdown

Property Settings : Map Existing Implementation

The Apollo Event dropdown now groups ecommerce events together for your ease of identification.

Property Settings : Map Existing Implementation

You can now signify that you would like to used your UA enhanced ecommerce data layer to support a GA4 ecommerce event. For any given tag that is mapped to a GA4 ecommerce event, expand the details for the tag and make check the ecommerce checkbox.

Design: Event Attributes

The Page Load Completed event is enabled by default upon property creation for Full Access Google properties

Design : Create Data Sources

Design : Edit Data Sources

When creating a Data Source which has a containing array, the containing array must be equal to "ecommerce.items".

Deploy : Builds

You can now add an applicable Google OAuth connection directly from the Deploy Build modal for Migration and Full Access properties.

Deploy : Builds

For Full Access and Migration properties, extra validation has been added at the time you are deploying a build to ensure that your Google user has the appropriate permissions needed to deploy to Google Tag Manager.

Deploy : Builds

After deploying a Build, the "Deploy Now" button becomes disabled for 5 seconds to prevent deployment collisions.

Deploy : Builds

When you deploy a Free New Implementation to Tag Manager, Apollo now creates a workspace called "GA4 Workspace".

Bug Fixes




Design : Business Requirements

An issue was resolved where Business Requirement Trees were not showing complete information where a Business Requirement was associated with two Tracking items that share an event attribute.

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