Extension: Adobe Analytics

Extension: Adobe Analytics

Apollo adds this extension, which allows Apollo to set variables, send beacons, and clear variables within Experience Platform Launch rules.


There are optional manual configurations users can make within this extension in Experience Platform Launch. It’s important to note that all settings changes must be saved and built into a relevant launch property library to take effect. If manual configuration changes are made within the extension after it’s configuration by Apollo, here is how Apollo will interact with those changes during subsequent builds:


Manual Change Made

Apollo’s Treatment


Disable Extension

Apollo overwrites the change


Uninstall Extension

Apollo overwrites the change

Library Management

Report Suite Name Change

Apollo overwrites the change

Library Management

Report Suite Addition

Apollo overwrites the change

Library Management

Disable Use Activity Map

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Library Management

Disable Make Tracker Globally Accessible

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Library Management

Enable Use The Library Already Installed On The Page

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Library Management

Enable Load The Library From A Custom Url

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Library Management

Enable Let Me Provide Custom Library Code

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Enable Eu Compliance For Adobe Analytics


Apollo does not overwrite the change


Update Character Set To Difference Preset


Apollo does not overwrite the change


Update Character Set To Custom

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Update Currency Code To Difference Preset

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Update Currency Code To Custom

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Tracking Server Change

Apollo overwrites the change


Ssl Tracking Server Change

Apollo overwrites the change

Global Variables

Evar Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Prop Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Hierarchy Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Page Name Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Page Url Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Server Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Channel Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Referrer Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Campaign Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

State Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Zip Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Transaction Id Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Purchase Id Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Global Variables

Dynamic Variable Prefix Change

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Disable Clickmap

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Disable Track Download Links

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Add Download Extension

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Remove Download Extension

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Disable Track Outbound Links

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Add Track

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Add Never Track

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Link Tracking

Enable Keep Url Parameters

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Visitor Id Additions

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Visitor Namespace Additions

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Domain Period Additions

Apollo does not overwrite the change


First-party Domain Additions

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Cookie Lifetime Selection

Apollo does not overwrite the change


Enable Write Secure Cookies

Apollo does not overwrite the change

Configure Tracker Using Custom Code

Custom Code Addition

Apollo does not overwrite the change (and will append custom code below existing custom code)

Adobe Audience Manager

Enable Audience Manager Data Sharing

Apollo does not overwrite the change

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