Extensions Configured When Ecosystem is Adobe Launch

Extensions Configured When Ecosystem is Adobe Launch

Before we discuss how Apollo engages with each extension, it’s important to call out two interaction types that Apollo does not manage for all extensions:

  1. Extension Upgrades - Anytime a version upgrade becomes available for an extension with Launch, it will be the Launch user’s responsibility to Upgrade the extension directly within Launch. When upgrades are available, you will see the Upgrade CTA for the extension in Launch. Example below:

  1. Moving Extension updates through the Publishing Flow - Apollo pushes updates to extensions into Adobe Launch, but it is the user’s responsibility to move these changes through the standard publishing flow, from Development to Published, from directly in Launch.

Extensions for Legacy Implementation Type

The extensions Apollo configures for Legacy Adobe implementations, where data is sent directly to Adobe Analytics, include:

  • AA Product String Builder

  • Adobe Analytics

  • Airbrake JS Notifier

  • Apollo QAX

  • Core

  • Data Layer Manager

  • Experience Cloud ID Service

Extensions for Modern Implementation Type

The extensions Apollo configures for Legacy Adobe implementations, where data is sent directly to Adobe Analytics, include:

  • Airbrake JS Notifier

  • Core

  • Data Layer Manager

  • XDM Composer

  • Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK