

Dashboards is only available for Adobe Analytics implementation types currently.

What is Dashboards?

The Dashboards module within Apollo is used to create baseline reporting within your analytics tool. Using your existing analytics tool API connection, Apollo can programmatically generate reports that will help your stakeholders use the data you have worked hard to create. These dashboards are not meant to be all-encompassing, but rather a starting point that can be built upon.

There are two types of analytics dashboards created by Apollo. The first “Learn About Your Implementation” dashboard provides basic reports organized by the various Site Features associated with your implementation:

The second “Business Requirements” dashboard aligns directly with the business requirements you have enabled within Apollo:

These dashboards deliver on the initial promise of the analytics team to provide answers to the specific business requirements selected by stakeholders.

Creating Dashboards

To generate the analytics dashboards, you must first select the environment where you would like to create the dashboards:

Next, click the Create Dashboards button and wait a few seconds for the confirmation message. Then you can navigate to your analytics tool and view the newly created dashboards:


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