User Permission Requirements for Adobe Implementations

User Permission Requirements for Adobe Implementations

Access Required within Apollo

Access requirements for each resource performing Apollo deployments:

  • Made an Apollo agency user or admin for any applicable Agency. (Admins have permissions to create and delete Organizations.)

  • Made an Apollo organization user or admin for the client Organization. (Admins have permissions to create and delete Properties.)

Adobe Legacy Implementations

Permissions Levels Required for Platforms that are not Apollo

Access requirements for each resource that will be performing Apollo deployments:

  • Made a Product Administrator for the Adobe Analytics product within the Adobe Experience Cloud.

  • Made a Developer for an Adobe Analytics product profile within the Adobe Experience Cloud that has all AA permissions included. - This will give users access to https://console.adobe.io/ to create projects that will have the Adobe API connections credentials that Apollo needs to perform deployments Adobe Analytics.

  • Made a Developer for an Adobe Experience Launch product profile within the Adobe Experience Cloud that has all Launch permissions included. - This will give users access to https://console.adobe.io/ to create projects that will have the Adobe API connections credentials that Apollo needs to perform deployments to Adobe Launch.

  • Provided with Github Organization Access - Added to the client’s Github Organization. Access can be provided by giving a Github org admin each resource’s Github username.

  • Provided with Github Organization Repository Access - A repository dedicated to the Data Layer Docs Apollo builds must exist and all resources which will be interacting with the docs should be provided with access to this repository.

Adobe Modern Implementations

Permissions Levels Required for Platforms that are not Apollo

  • Made a Product Administrator for the Adobe Analytics product within the Adobe Experience Cloud.

  • Made a Developer for an Adobe Analytics product profile within the Adobe Experience Cloud that has all AA permissions included. - This will give users access to https://console.adobe.io/ to create projects that will have the Adobe API connections credentials that Apollo needs to perform deployments Adobe Analytics.

  • Made a Developer for an Adobe Experience Launch product profile within the Adobe Experience Cloud that has all Launch permissions included. - This will give users access to https://console.adobe.io/ to create projects that will have the Adobe API connections credentials that Apollo needs to perform deployments to Adobe Launch.

  • Made a Developer for an Adobe Experience Platform product profile within the Adobe Experience Cloud that has view/manage schema permissions and access to all sandboxes. - This will give users access to https://console.adobe.io/ to create projects that will have the Adobe API connections credentials that Apollo needs to perform deployments to Adobe Experience Platform.

  • Provided with Github Organization Access - Added to the client’s Github Organization. Access can be provided by giving a Github org admin each resource’s Github username.

  • Provided with Github Organization Repository Access - A repository dedicated to the Data Layer Docs Apollo builds must exist and all resources which will be interacting with the docs should be provided with access to this repository.

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