Property Settings

Property Settings

General Settings

Most of your property's configuration is done during the creation process. However, some additional information is necessary in order to take full advantage of Apollo's features. You can access Property Settings from the property list by clicking the pencil icon next to your Apollo property.

You can also access Property Settings inside your Apollo property by click the gear icon in the header.

Property Details

These are the details entered during the property creation process that describes your Apollo property.

Property Name is the name of your property. This will also be the name of any tag manager implementation you deploy, like your Adobe Launch property or Google Tag Manager container. This name must be unique and has a 255 character limit.

Tag Manager is the Tag Manager and Analytics suite associated with your implementation. Apollo currently supports Adobe Launch/Adobe Analytics, as well as Google Tag Manager/Google Analytics. This cannot be changed after your property is created.

Implementation Type is the platform's data model. Many tag managers support several data models and so does Apollo! You can change your implementation type at any time, but it will remove the connection with your existing property as well as any prior build data.

Property Plan is the specific Apollo tier that you have chosen for this project.

Click here for more information about the property plans.

Data Layer Settings

Configure your data layer settings so Apollo can create and deploy your implementation's data layer specification.

Data Layer Name is the name of the data layer object that is used by your implementation. This value will default to the standard name per your implementation type, but may be updated to your own custom name. If you will be using an existing data layer, make sure you enter its name here.

Clicking the Connect to Github button allows you add your Github API connection in order to deploy your data layer documentation to Github.

The Destination field contains a list of all Github Organizations associated with your connection. Select the organization you would like your repository deployed to. If the repository will be located in a private Github account, select "User Repository".

The Repository Name is the location within your organization where you would like to store your data layer specification. The repository name must be unique and not match any existing repositories in the same destination. When you deploy to GitHub, Apollo will create the repository for you. Attempting to deploy a new repository from Apollo with the same name as an existing repository will fail.


In order to connect your Apollo property to your tag manager and report suite, you must have at least one valid API connection.

You may edit existing connections and create new ones. If you have multiple connections, you can designate your default connection. Apollo will automatically use your default connection to deploy builds. If you need help establishing an API connection, follow our Adobe I/O and Google Cloud guides.

The following sections will describe settings that are unique to the Adobe and Google ecosystems.

Manage Custom Components

This allows you to import the custom records created in different properties within your organization to your property. From this module, you will be able to sync your property or roll back the custom imports iteratively.

This feature is only available to Organization Architects.

Adobe Settings

Tag Manager Settings

Apollo can deploy your new implementation to an existing Adobe Launch property with some additional configuration.

If you would like to deploy your Apollo implementation to an existing Adobe Launch property, you should add the associated property ID in the Launch Property ID field. When you deploy to the existing Launch property, Apollo will add your new configurations, while the existing rules and data elements will remain untouched. Before deploying to an existing Launch Property, review how Apollo interacts with your existing extensions.

You also have the option of adding Organization markers to your data elements. Organization markers ensure the Launch components managed by Apollo are flagged with a custom prefix or suffix. Select the Add deployment marker to data elements checkbox to enable this feature.

Data Destination Settings

To deploy your implementation to an Adobe Report suite, you must identify the associated report suites per property environment.

Your Adobe Analytics Tracking Server is the non-secure CNAMED server that informs your Adobe Launch property where to send data. The SSL Tracking Server is its secured CNAMED counterpart. If you need help identifying your analytics Tracking Server and Report Suites, you can read more here.

Below the tracking servers, you will find the configurations for your Development, Staging, and Production property environments. By clicking the pencil icon you can edit the report suite associated with the standard environments, or you can add an additional report suite by clicking the button below.

Google Settings

Data Destination Settings

Configure Apollo to deploy to your Google Analytics property.

First, enter your GA4 account ID. This field is mandatory

Next, select your Google Analytics account under the Account dropdown. This field is mandatory.

Then, indicate whether the account is Standard (free-tier) or Analytics 360 (enterprise-level) under the Account Type dropdown. This field is mandatory.

Finally, select the desired Google Analytics property under the Property drop-down. This field is optional.

Google Analytics Data Streams

Data streams enable the flow of data from your organization's platforms to Google Analytics.

You'll need to configure your Google Analytics Data Streams to ensure the relationship between your GTM Container and Google Analytics Property when Apollo deploys. Google implementations use Staging and Live Data Streams by default. By clicking the pencil icon you can edit a data stream, or you can add a new one by clicking the button below.

Tag Manager Settings

Apollo can deploy your new implementation to an existing Google Tag Manager container with some additional configuration.

If you would like to deploy your Apollo implementation to an existing GTM container, add the associated Container ID in the GTM Container ID field. When you deploy to the existing GTM container, Apollo will add your new configurations, while all existing assets will remain untouched.

You also have the option of adding Organization markers to your variables. Organization markers ensure the GTM assets managed by Apollo are flagged with a custom prefix or suffix. Select the Add deployment marker to variables checkbox to enable this feature.

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