Data Destination Build Use Cases

Data Destination Build Use Cases

How Does Apollo Handle Data Destination Deployments to Pre-configured Adobe Report Suites?

In General

  1. Apollo will only make enable/updates to variables it is specifically configuring (i.e., the variables assigned in the Assign Custom Variables feature in the app)

  2. Apollo does not disable any variables. Disabling of variables is a manual task.

Scenario 1: You have variables configured prior to any Apollo deployment and you just want to add new variable configurations using Apollo.


You have evars1-5 configured in your Report Suite,, and you are deploying eVar6 configurations through Apollo.



Apollo is non-destructive. New variables are enabled and none are disabled. In the example, evars1-5 remain enabled as configured and eVar6 is enabled.


Scenario 2: You have variables configured prior to any Apollo deployment and you just want to repurpose existing variables with new configurations using Apollo.


You have evars1-5 configured in your Report Suite, and you are deploying new configurations for eVar1 through Apollo.



Apollo updates the variables it is intending to update, and other pre-configured variables remain untouched. In the example, eVar1 is updated and eVars2-5 remain enabled as configured.


Scenario 3: You have both variables configured prior to any Apollo deployment as well as variables Apollo has previously configured and you deploy an empty implementation to Data Destination


You have configured evars1-3 in your Report Suite prior to an Apollo deployment, and you previously deployed configurations for eVars4-5 using Apollo. You are now deploying to data destination with no variables added to the implementation.



No updates are made. All variables remain the same. In the example, eVars1-5 remain enabled.


Scenario 4: You have accidentally performed an Apollo data destination deployment that included the configuration of a variable that was already configured and reserved for a different purpose


You perform a data destination deployment that includes configurations for eVar1. eVar1 was already a variable that was supported by a data source outside of Apollo, such as a Processing Rule, data integration, DB Vista Rule, etc. or was part of the implementation prior to the use of Apollo.



Apollo overwrites the configurations for the variable. If this wasn’t desired, the variable must be manually reconfigured to match the requirements for use with the other data source. In Apollo, the user should reassign the attribute assigned to the variable and perform an additional deployment. In the example above, consider manually configuring eVar1 to its original configurations. Then in Apollo reassign the attribute assigned to eVar1 to say, eVar2, and deploy.

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