Apollo Event Attributes

Apollo Event Attributes

As you select business requirements, the Apollo Events and Attributes that correspond to each business requirement are automatically enabled in the Apollo Event Attributes module. When an Apollo Event is enabled you can see a list of all of the attributes that can be associated with that Apollo Event using the Configure Attributes button, which expands the Configure Attributes drawer:

Any Apollo Event attributes that are required for the business requirements you have selected are automatically enabled, and you can choose to enable more attributes from this screen. All attributes fit into one of three categories:

  1. Required - These are attributes that are automatically enabled by Apollo if the event is enabled. For example, in the screenshot above, the Count Form Submission Successes event attribute is enabled, because there aren't where organizations would want to deploy this Apollo Event without counting how many times forms are being submitted.

  2. Recommended - These are attributes that organizations often associate with the event. Recommended attributes give your organization a clue as to what other organizations who implement this event are typically tracking. They are typically best practice attributes to include, given they make sense for your organization.

  3. Optional - These are attributes that organizations sometimes, but not in the majority of cases, associate with the event.

Additionally, you'll notice there are Agency or Organization flags associated with some event attributes. Each time a new event attribute is imported at the scope of an Agency or Organization, you will see the scope indicated inline with the event attribute. An "O" means that event is scoped that the Organization level and an "A" means it is scoped at the Agency level.

Apollo Events and Apollo business requirements are interconnected, such that selecting a business requirement enables the required Apollo Events and event attributes. But this relationship is bi-directional, such that enabling event attributes in the Event Attributes module automatically enables related business requirements. Let’s review an example of how this works. Let’s say that you have selected the Product Added to Cart Apollo Event and you notice an optional attribute called Cart ID exists, but is not enabled:

If your organization has unique Cart IDs for each online shopping cart, you may decide to enable this attribute by sliding the button from disabled to enabled and selecting Save. Enabling this new attribute will automatically select any business requirements that can now be answered with the additional data being collected. Below you can see at least one new business requirement that is now enabled:

When you enable new attributes within Apollo Events, if that attribute does not already have a variable assignment, you will see a drop-down box that allows you to assign the variable instead of having to return to the Assign Custom Variables module. To assign a variable, simply click the dropbox and select the variable number you wish to use. Note that variable numbers that have already been assigned will be unavailable for selection.

Each event attribute has a drawer that can be opened via the carrot button on the left hand side. In this drawer, you will find supplemental information about the attribute, including a description, the data source, and associated events. The associated events diagram displays the various Apollo Events that may collect this attribute and indicates which of these events are already enabled and those that are not.

There are several filters available on the Configure Attributes drawer to help you find the attributes you would like to include in your implementation.

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