Custom Data Designer: Event Details

Custom Data Designer: Event Details

The Composition of the Event Details Screen

The event details screen appears when the purple portion within a business requirement is clicked. This screen appears differently between the Adobe and Google ecosystems.

Within an Adobe property, the side panel will appear as follows:

Key Areas (Adobe)

  • Description: Explains when/how this is event is captured

  • AA Beacon Settings: Determines whether the event should send a new page view (s.t) or be tracked after a page view (s.tl)

  • AA Clear Variables: Determines if the clear variables action is performed after the beacon is sent

  • Exclude from Tag Manager radio button: Choosing this option means this event will not be published to Adobe Launch

  • Exclude from Data Destination radio button: Choosing this option means that this event will not be configured in the Adobe Analytics admin area

  • Exclude from Data Layer Documentation radio button: Choosing this option means the event will not be publish to the Data Layer Documentation in GitHub

Within a Google property, the side panel will appear as follows:

Key Areas (Google)

  • Description: Explains when/how this is event is captured

  • Google Event: The name of the event that is sent to GA4

  • Requires Config Tag for Setup radio button: Select this option if you would like to reset the values in the config tag when this event fires

  • Is Ecommerce Event radio button: Select this option if this event is a standard ecommerce event or relies on the ecommerce object

  • Exclude from Tag Manager radio button: Choosing this option means this event will not be published to Google Tag Manager

  • Exclude from Data Destination radio button: Choosing this option means that this event will not be configured in Google Analytics once this capability is added (currently Apollo does not configure custom dimensions and metrics directly in GA4)

  • Exclude from Data Layer Documentation radio button: Choosing this option means the event will not be publish to the Data Layer Documentation in GitHub

Creating a New Event

When a new business requirement is created, you will have the option of selecting an existing event or creating a new one. If you select an existing event, you can search for it from the list displayed if you know the name of the event you are referencing:

If you wish to create a new event, you will need to fill out the fields listed in the detail screens at the beginning of this article, based on the ecosystem you are working with (Adobe or Google).

When you create a new event, you must choose the scope.

  • Scope is an important selection to make. You likely have the option to choose from Organization or Property scope.

    • Global: The event will be able to be seen by everyone who uses Apollo. You will likely not see this option in the menu, as global requirements are managed by the Apollo team directly. If you have a suggestion for a global requirement, please reach out to your assigned CSM or contact us.

    • Agency: The event will be able to be seen by everyone within your agency for any organization and property (the option to create new agency events requires that you are an agency admin or architect).

    • Organization: The event will be able to be seen by all properties within a given organization. This is usually the recommended option if you anticipate you may want to track the same thing in other tag manager properties in the future. You must be an admin or architect to be able to create new events for an organization.

    • Property: The event will only be visible for the specific property you are working in. Select this option if the event is extremely specific to this particular property and is unlikely to be needed in any future properties within the same organization. You must be an admin or architect to be able to create new events for a property.

The combination of an event and associated attributes are linked in the Event Attributes area [[LINK TO FUTURE EVENT ATTRIBUTES ARTICLE]], which is the next step in designing a new requirement.

Performing a Replacement on an Event

If an event already exists and you would like to change its settings or the name of the event, which impacts the way the data is sent, you have the ability to do so using the replace button (if it is a global event), or the edit button, if available to you (for agency, organization, or property-level events). Selecting the replace button will make all of the fields editable. For details on what each of the fields mean, see the beginning of this article.

Editing an Existing Event

Follow the same steps as above, and hit the edit button if you have access to it (looks like a pencil.) If you need to make a change and have the option to edit rather than replace, you should do so, taking into account that the changes are immediate and will impact all lower scopes (so all organizations within an agency, all properties within an organization, etc.) If you have existing properties, ensure it is clear to the others working in Apollo that the change is coming or has been made.

How to Find the Right Event to Edit/Replace (using the Visual SDR)

If you are not sure which event is associated with a given item, the Visual SDR can help you find it! If you know the event, attribute, variable, type of item, or data layer location, you can create a column for the item you do know, click on it, create a second column for events, created a third columns for business requirements, and toggle to view selected items only to see which events apply to your scenario. When you know the wording of a business requirement, you can find in in the Design -> Business Requirements area of Apollo, then expand it to see the purple event name, then click to get into edit/replace mode.

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