To create a new build, click the Deploy New Build button within the Deploy - Builds module. This will present a screen that allows you to name the build and choose which elements you wish to deploy. As noted above, the three items that can be deployed include:
Tag Manager - Configures or updates an existing tag management configuration
Data Destination - Configures the variables in the analytics tool (Adobe Analytics only)
Data Layer Docs - Shares the data layer and tagging specifications with a tagging tool (e.g. GitHub)
In some cases, all three options will not be available. For example, within tag management systems, it is a best practice to manage the promotion of items from development to staging directly within the tag management system, so Apollo will only allow the configuration of tag management in the development environment. Data layer docs will only deploy to development environments as well.
Once you are ready to deploy, click the Deploy Build button which will kick off the deployment processes. As each process is initiated, Apollo will return a validation message:
You can view the items that have been created, changed or unchanged with each build by clicking the eye icon inline with the build: